Long-Range Master Plan

The community's continued and unwavering support has been instrumental in driving transformative improvements within the Meramec Valley R-III School District. Thanks to the passage of Proposition 1 in April 2021 and Proposition E in August 2023, the District has been able to increase the safety and security of our facilities and retain high quality staff, all while maintaining a sharp focus on fiscal responsibility. Your dedication to our district's growth and the future of our students is invaluable.

This fall, the district launched a new Long-Range Master Planning process, which has involved stakeholder collaboration and strategic planning. Working hand in hand with architects and building solution experts, the District is analyzing our current facilities, demographics, and our student and staff needs. The goal of this process is to create a Long-Range Master Plan that provides innovative learning and working spaces, while ensuring every dollar is utilized wisely.

Each school played an important role in this process through stakeholder meetings where ideas were discussed, solutions brainstormed, and priorities for the future of our students' success were shared.  Next steps in the Long-Range Master Planning process will include drafting a comprehensive plan that echoes the recommendations from our stakeholders, staff, and architectural team, then communicating the plan to our families and community.

We are committed to keeping parents and stakeholders informed at every stage of our Long-Range Master Plan journey. For those seeking a more detailed overview, the comprehensive scope of MVR-III's Long-Range Master Plan is readily available on our district website.

As we look to the future of our district, we are excited and determined to continue the tradition of wisely utilizing our resources to create innovative learning and working environments for our students and staff. It's our pledge to uphold this excellence while managing resources conservatively, especially in the face of stagnant state and federal funding. We appreciate the community’s support and the dedication of our families, and are grateful for your continued partnership in shaping a brighter future for our students.