🚌24-25 Routes 🚌


23-24 (OLD) Bus Routes

Bus routes are listed by elementary school attendance areas.

Coleman Elementary Area

Bus #8

Bus #11

Bus #12

Bus #23

Bus #36

Nike Elementary Area

Bus #13

Bus #28

Bus #35

Robertsville Elementary Area

Bus #5

Bus #6

Bus #14

Bus #20

Truman Elementary Area

Bus #17

Bus #19

Bus #21

Bus #27

Zitzman Elementary Area

Bus #7

Bus #10

Bus #16

Bus #18

Bus #37

Secondary Only

Bus #4 & VoTech

School Bus


The Meramec Valley R-III Transportation Department provides transportation for 2,584 students each day. The department maintains 28 yellow buses, including 3 special needs routes and 3 Title I buses. These buses travel over 3,286 miles of routes per day to all 9 MVR-III schools and transport on average 110 students. Our goal is to provide safe, efficient travel for all students, staff, and public of the MVR-III School District.

2256 Hwy AP, Catawissa, MO 63015

Conrad Guenzler - Transportation Director

Ruby Taylor - Transportation Dispatcher


A second address request is for a student to ride a different bus. Please allow 48 hours notice (2 school days). Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center and Special Education bus changes may take up to 5 school days for the change. Note: The alternate address request must be on a consistent weekly schedule. For the safety of our students, we cannot accommodate daily changes even for the same bus. Use the form below to request a second address for your student(s):

Second Address Request Form


  1. Maintain classroom conduct.

  2. Follow the bus drivers instructions at all times. 

  3. All body parts and objects should remain inside the bus windows.

  4. Food, candy and drinks are prohibited.

  5. Respect the driver and other students.

  6. Be courteous, speak quietly and use appropriate language. 

  7. Glass objects, skate boards, balls, balloons, flowers, pets, and animals are NOT allowed on the bus.

  8. Cell phones and electronic devices should be utilized appropriately.  See below. 

  9. Students are not allowed to ride a different bus unless in the case of an emergency.  Such arrangements must be approved by the Transportation Office. 


  1. Be at the designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to the designated time and stay at least 5 minutes after your stop time.

  2. Students should wait in a single line on a sidewalk or driveway when possible.

  3. Students who must cross the road should cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus after receiving the signal from the driver.

  4. Students should conduct themselves in an orderly manner, avoid littering, and respect nearby property, staff and fellow students. 

  5. Students should go directly to their assigned seat and remain seated, "back to back, seat to seat, feet on the floor and aisles clear" at all times.

  6. Students are expected to ride their assigned bus to and from their assigned bus stop.

  7. Students should go straight home.

  8. An authorized person must be present at the bus stop to receive all kindergarten and early childhood students each day.  If you have additional individuals other than your child's emergency contacts, please submit their names by logging into the Parent Portal and clicking on "Update Household Data" to add them.  If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact your school office.  In the event an authorized person is not present, student(s) will be returned to school.  Additionally, it is important for parents and contacts to have their ID with them in the event there is a substitute driver.


Electronic devices including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, laptops, video games, etc. are allowed during transportation on school buses as long as their use does not create a disruption or distraction for the driver.  When listening to audio, students shall wear headphones.  Students who violate this expectation will be subject to disciplinary consequences.  Students, who bring electronic devices onto buses, do so at their own risk and are responsible to secure them from theft or loss. 


The Missouri State Highway Patrol conduct an annual school bus safety inspection on all public and private school busses. MVR-III Transportation Department has scored above the state average approval ratings for over 12 years with an average score of 95%. In 2023, the MVR-III Transportation Dept. earned the Highway Patrol's Total Fleet Excellence award. This is the highest award given by the MO State Highway Patrol with MVR-III's fleet earning a 100% for safety.


The District Transportation Committee consists of a group of administrators, teachers, parents, school bus drivers and board members that are led by the Director of Transportation. The committee reviews and makes recommendations on current policies and procedures and updates them as needed to ensure that the Transportation Department runs as safely and efficiently as possible.