Infinite Campus
Meramec Valley began the 23-24 school year using Infinite Campus as our student information system. Infinite Campus is a district-wide SIS designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and other information about the students in MVR-III. It replaced Tyler SIS, which was no longer being supported by the developer.
Parents and students have access to the Campus Portal, a confidential and secure website that allows users to log in and view information about progress in school. Apps are available for both iOS and Android devices. The goal of the Campus Portal is to create a better partnership between parents and teachers.
Infinite Campus Portal Links
Logging into the Campus Portal will allow you to view the following real-time information:
· Demographics | · Grades | · Reports |
· Schedules | · Attendance | · District and School Notices |
· Assignments | · Graduation Progress | · Transportation Information |
· Assessment Scores | · Academic Planner | · Cafeteria Balance |
· Calendar | · To Do Lists | · and More! |
If you have additional questions regarding Infinite Campus or Campus Portal, please contact us at 636-271-1400.