Mekhi Mendez

Last month, Mekhi Mendez competed in his first, sanctioned, powerlifting meet in the drug-tested USPA federation.  Mekhi set the Missouri state records in all three lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) in the drug-tested USPA federation.  He won first in his weight/age class, and had a 20 pound PR in his deadlift.  His totals:  Squat:  418.9 lbs. (190 kilos), 245 lbs. (110 kilos), and 405 lbs. (182.5 kilos).  His total for all three lifts:  1068.9 lbs. (482.5 kilos).  He has put a lot of hard work to reach this goal. Congratulations Mekhi!

Mekhi Mendez lift