NE United Way Change Drive Sept. 25 - 29, 2023
Nike Scouts had a friendly competition this week during their Change Drive! Students in grades PreK - 4th brought in coins to donate to the Franklin County Area United Way. Each day, our Scouts were able to put their spare change into their classroom jars. The money was then totaled up at the end of the day to see which class was in the lead. The grade level that raised the most funds this week was Kindergarten. Students in Miss Suchland's and Mrs. Terreri's classes will be rewarded with an extra recess some time next week! Nike Elementary's GRAND TOTAL was $715.86. These funds will go to helping families in our very own community. We are so proud of our students for their generous donations this week. Thank you, Nike Scouts & Families, for always going above and beyond! 💜