Nike staff dressed up as crayons today, to celebrate Nike's theme which is "We are like a box of crayons, each one of us unique and when we get together, the picture is complete." ~ from The Crayon Box That Talked
7 months ago, Mrs. Tollison, Nike Elementary School Principal
Nike Scouts enjoyed wearing their costumes and parading around the school today. We hope all of our students and their families have a fun & safe Halloween night! ๐ŸŽƒ #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Wow! We had such an amazing turnout for the Book Character Pumpkin Patch Family Project. A total of 79 pumpkins decorated the foyer of Nike. Our pumpkin patch was overflowing with amazing artistic ability. We are so happy so many families participated.
7 months ago, Mrs. Tollison, Nike Elementary School Principal
Nike Scouts wrapped up Red Ribbon Week with "Dress Like A Coach" Day. Thank you, Families, for helping your child participate in this very important week, where we learned about living a Drug Free life! ๐ŸŽ€โค๏ธ #MVNation #RedRibbonWeek
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Nike Elementary would like to congratulate our 3 Storybook Character Pumpkin Winners! ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ’œ #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Pumpkin Winners
Nike Scouts participated in a school-wide Bus Safety Drill this morning. Great job listening to our drivers and practicing our evacuation procedures! #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Hooray for Hat Day! ๐Ÿงข๐Ÿ‘’๐ŸŽฉ Tomorrow we will get to "Dress Like A Coach" because our team is Drug Free! #MVNation #RedRibbonWeek
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Thank you, Nike Scouts & Families, for supporting our Bobo's Fundraiser! Students, who sold at least 18 items each, were able to play some video games on the Game Truck today during school. So Fun!! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’œ #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
The Sports Club Dinner Auction is always a great time and so beneficial to our district's athletic programs!
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Dinner Auction
Sneaker Day Success! ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Tomorrow we will "Put a Cap on Drugs" by wearing HATS! ๐Ÿงข๐Ÿ‘’๐ŸŽฉ #MVNation #RedRibbonWeek
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Community Alert: Pacific Partnership is hosting Monster Fest this Saturday, Oct. 28, from 5:30-8:30 PM. Safe & Friendly Trick-or-Treating in downtown Pacific on St. Louis Street! Free event for families, with food & drink available for purchase. Visit for more info. #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
WOW! What a great turnout for Nike Elementary's McTeacher Night! Thank you to our Scouts & their families for supporting this event. It was so nice to see our kiddos outside of school, and to be able to serve you dinner. We received 20% of McDonald's proceeds from 4 - 7pm, which gained Nike over $765! #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
McD 1
McD 2
McD 3
McD 4
McD 5
Nike Elementary had some COOL kids for Favorite Decade Day! ๐Ÿ˜Ž "Don't let drugs SNEAK up on you!" Tomorrow is WEAR SNEAKERS! #MVNation #RedRibbonWeek
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Decades 1
Decades 2
We have had an AMAZING turnout for our Storybook Character Pumpkins! ๐ŸŽƒ Students can still bring in their decorated pumpkins tomorrow morning when they arrive to school. Voting for Favorite Pumpkin will begin tomorrow and will go through Friday (by 2pm). Winners will be announced at the end of the day on Friday!
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Pumpkins 1
Pumpkins 2
Pumpkins 3
Pumpkins 4
Pumpkins 5
Pumpkins 6
Pumpkins 7
Pumpkins 8
Nike Scouts really showed up & showed out with their RED today! Tomorrow is "Wear Your Favorite Decade" Day! ๐ŸŽ€โค๏ธ #MVNation #RedRibbonWeek
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Wear Red
Easy dinner night + a portion of the proceeds go back to Nike Elementary = a WIN WIN!!! Teachers & staff will see you at the Pacific McDonald's tomorrow, October 24th, starting at 4pm. We hope to see you there! ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ’œ
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
McTeacher Night
Reminder that Red Ribbon Week starts on Monday, October 23rd. We're excited to celebrate with dress-up days and to learn about living Drug Free!
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Red Ribbon Week
Students in 3rd & 4th grade had a great visit with Mr. Tim Baker and staff! Tim holds the position of Franklin County Clerk and was at our school to introduce students to the responsibilities of our county government. Elections, the voting process, and the role that citizens play were all discussed today! #MVNation
7 months ago, Natalie Harris
Franklin County Clerk
Nike Elem 3rd Grade Leaders assist our School Counselor, Ms. Raeker, in distributing weekend food backpacks. They also fill & organize our Little Food Pantry. We are incredibly proud of these #DifferenceMakers for the help they provide in making food accessible to those in need!
7 months ago, MVR-III School District
Nike DM 1
Nike DM 2
Nike DM 3
We had some great pumpkin book characters brought in today. Book characters can be dropped off during the school day until Oct. 25th.
7 months ago, Mrs. Tollison, Nike Elementary School Principal