Pets in the Community

Nike Elementary students collected items to donate to the Franklin County Humane Society.  The week long collection process helped students learn citizenship, compassion, responsibility, and collaboration skills. After the donation drive, Purina Farms visited the school as part of their "Pets In the Community" Program. Students learned about dog breeds, how to be a responsible pet owner, and how to handle animals. 

The Purina Farms “Pets In the Community” Program exists to bring people and pets closer together in life-enriching ways. Pets inherently evoke feelings of compassion, respect and comfort, and they better connect us to the world we all share. The program consists of Purina Farms trainers and their rescued pets visiting schools, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and other community places and events to advocate for responsible pet ownership and promote the health and wellness benefits that come with positive interactions with animals.  

To become a Franklin County Humane Society donor, use the following link:  Franklin County Humane Society.